Installation and Setup

This page provides instructions for downloading, configuring, and running a local copy the website.

Python Dependencies

The broker website is packaged as the broker_web Python package, which is available on GitHub. To download the code from this repository and install the dependencies, use:

# Download project source code
git clone

# Install Python dependencies with pip
pip install -r Broker-Web/requirements.txt

Local Database

The source code expects you to have already established a MySQL database for storing user and website data. If this database is not already available on your local machine, you can create a user and databases for development as shown below.


It is strongly recommended for security reasons that you use a dedicated set of credentials when developing. This means the username and password for your local database should be different from any credentials you may have for the deployed database.

$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON [DB_NAME].* TO 'DB_USER'@'localhost';
mysql> quit;

You should repeat the above process twice: Once for the database you wish to develop against, and once to set permissions for the database you want to run tests against. The testing database has the same name of the development database prefixed with the word 'test_'.


Environmental Variables

The following table outlines environmental variables that can be used to configure standard Django settings. The ALLOWED_HOSTS variable must be set for the app to run if DEBUG is set to False (the default).

Variable Description Required
SECRET_KEY Django secret key Yes
DEBUG Whether to run in debugging mode Must be True if ALLOWED_HOSTS is not set
ALLOWED_HOSTS Block requests except from these domains If Debug is not true
CONTACT_EMAILS List of developer contact emails No

You will also need to specify various environmental variables for configuring your database connection.

Variable Description Required
DB_NAME Name of the MySQL database for user data No (Default = web_backend)
DB_USER MySQL username Yes
DB_PASSWORD MySQL password Yes
DB_HOST Database host connection For local database only
DB_PASSWORD Port number to connect on For local database only
TEST_NAME Name of the MySQL database used in tests No (Default = text_[DB_NAME])
ZTF_ALERTS_TABLE_NAME Name of the Bigquery table with ZTF alert data ingested by the broker pipeline. No (Default = text_[DB_NAME])


For convenience, environmental variables can be specified in a .env file placed into the project’s root directory. However, the application will ignore ``.env`` files when running on the deployment server.

Running a Local Instance

With your databases created and environmental variables defined, you can configure the database schema using the management script:

python makemigrations
python migrate --run-syncdb

At this point, it is also useful to create an admin account for the website:

python createsuperuser

Finally, a local server for the website can then be launched in standard Django fashion:

python runserver