Deploying to App Engine

The production version of the website is hosted in the cloud using GCP App Engine. This page outlines instructions for deploying new versions of the website source code to the cloud.

Updating Static Files

Static files are updated in the cloud separately from deploying changes to the source code. This includes pushing source code changes via continuous deployment. Static files can be synced against a local version of the project by running:

gsutil -m rsync -r broker_web/static gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/static

Manual Deployment


The following section is provided for reference only. All updates to the official website should be performed via continuous deployment as outlined later in this document.

Deployment settings should be configured using the app.yaml file. The official app.yaml docs can be found here. At a minimum, your settings for deployment should include the following:

runtime: python37

entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT broker_web.main.wsgi


  - url: /static
    static_dir: static

Application versions can be deployed manually using the gcloud API. The command below will automatically use the app.yaml file located in the working directory.

gcloud app deploy

Continuous Deployment


The TLDR of this section is to submit a pull request against the appengine-staging branch of the project repository. A new version of the website will start building automatically.

Similar to when deploying manually, an app.yaml configuration file must be created to store deployment settings. However, instead of storing the file locally, the file should be save to a GCP bucket. This file persists across deployments and only needs to be replaced if you are changing the website’s deployment settings. You will also need a cloudbuild.yml file to configure the website build process. A version controlled copy of this file should be included with the website’s source code.

To trigger a new build, merge a pull request into the appengine-staging branch of the projet’s repository. The new build will be automatically triggered and it’s progress can be tracked in Cloud Build. If you run into deployment errors, the GCP docs may be of some help.